
sexual orientation conversion

Page history last edited by abogado 10 years, 10 months ago

This is a two part question. Please submit answers to both parts to get full credit

1. Find the California Senate Bill which became law on January 2013 which prohibited licensed therapists from performing what is known variously as sexual conversion therapy, reparative therapy, or sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) on minors under the age of 18.


2,  Find the 9th Circuit Opinion which upholds the ban on the 1st amendment challenge to the Senate Bill

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the section number of the Senate Bill
2. What does the Senate Bill regulate
3. What is the name of the case which upholds the Senate Bill and the complete case citation 
4. What is the name of the judge for that opinion

5. Explain the 1st Amendment Challenge
6. Which party or parties won, and why

now post your answers in your etudes class.

good luck

Prof J.  


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