
criminal background checks

Page history last edited by abogado 10 years, 11 months ago

Find the following case:

EEOC claim that an employer violated Title VII by refusing to hire a minority applicant after a criminal background check was performed. 


US District Court 2013, District of Maryland


read article Are Criminal Background Checks Discriminatory?   http://www.diversityinc.com/legal-issues/are-criminal-background-checks-discriminatory/

Once you have found the case, answer the following questions

1. What is the complete case name and citation.

2. Who is the plaintiff.

3. What did the plaintiff have to demonstrate to prevail in the case  - hint :  "s...........y  s.........t   d...........n   of  d.......e  im...t"      
4. Using the rule of law in the case, provide a definition of the above element in #3 which plaintiff must demonstrate to prevail to show employer violated Title VII, and indicate whether they did or did not prove it, why or why not. 

Now post your work under your etudes classroom.

Good luck.

Prof J. 



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